Michael (Scott) Carter
Manager / Graphic Designer / Customer Service Rep.
Scott's expertise in providing quality print production solutions is highly regarded among his peers. His career spans 18 years working in the magazine publishing arena, digital prepress, customer service and design. His knowledge of software and the techniques needed to get from "point A to point B" when dealing with digital files is amazing. He's the driving force behind Rocket Color's success and stands ready to help you in any way possible with your printing needs. He goes above and beyond to try to make sure everyone is taken care of the way HE wants to be taken care of.
Not only is Scott an expert at what he does, but he also takes the time to get to KNOW his clients, and is sincerely interested in who they are and what's going on in their lives. That's called relationship building and customer service. He's good at it...he's good at what he does. A true recipe for success.